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A Word From The CEO: Stuart Anderson

2 Minute Read
Written by Stuart Anderson
30 August 2019

Recently there have been economic concerns in the Asian region and this has been echoed by our clients who represent a diverse range of industries. It also supports recent articles that say Singapore is experiencing some headwinds in global trade which is impacting revenue and margins.

China’s demand for trade is having a negative effect on businesses, many of whom are waiting to see if investments and new market opportunities will arise, meanwhile, this is impacting current growth and overall demand. This diminished demand is compounded by the well-publicised uncertainties of Trade Wars, Brexit and general political woes around the globe.

At a time when prudent credit control and management is key to establishing buyers’ creditworthiness, cost-cutting in this area can impact a business severely and their ability to make effective, informed decisions.

I expect next week’s GTR conference in Singapore will be heavily focussed on the uncertainties undermining global growth and look forward to seeing you there!

Kind regards,

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