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What’s been happening in the world of trade credit? See here for all the latest news, articles and events.
With over 82,000 cases at February 27 and more countries confirming infections it seems not only China will be economically impacted directly with more localised quarantine areas and borders being closed. The social and humanitarian implications of the outbreak are, rightfully, to the front of the world’s thinking.
Recently there have been economic concerns in the Asian region and this has been echoed by our clients who represent a diverse range of industries. It also supports recent articles that say Singapore is experiencing some headwinds in global trade which is impacting revenue and margins.
A great deal has been written on this subject and it’s clear this development of new order protectionism will hurt both countries. There is no easy solution as China needs USA demand and domestic manufacturing for assembly and components – think Apple products.
As individuals, many of us will have seen emails from the likes of Google, EBay, Paypal etc advising us of their commitment to the new “GDPR”. The GDPR is the General Data Protection Regulation and is being introduced across the EU from 25 May 2018.